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Zuid Afrika - Kimberley

South Africa is sometimes not easy to travel, certainly not if you deviate from the standard backpackers route and do not have your own transport, like me.  By a series of minibus taxis I was able to reach Kimberley, the capital of Northern Cape, but that was about it. Organized tours were not on offer here, private taxis rare and too expensive for out of town. Travelers might spend a few hours in Kimberley to admire Groot Gat (Big Hole), but the arid semi-desert, that largely comprises the province, is rarely on the tourist's wish list. I came to Kimberley completely unaware of these matters, and now I was here.

Excited, and having high expectations, I entered the impressive Tourist Office, just before closing time, but five minutes later I left the building disillusioned. Accommodation was also an issue, as there happened to be a huge conference in town right now. The hotels and B & B´s I try are fully booked and an hour and a half later I am still roaming the streets. It is already starting to get dark. The next B&B I try, is also fully booked. I ask the white manager what about the big hotel a bit further in the street. He insists that they don´t want whites there, and it´s not safe there,  but I do not care, and I am warmly welcomed. Next on the program is to eat something. I stroll towards the KFC, about a kilometer away. But dining out here is not a relaxed experience. While I eat, street kids prey on my food scraps. One boy dressed in rags even invites himself at my table, so that he would be first to snatch that chicken bones as soon as I'm done. During the walk back to the somewhat remote hotel, in uncomfortable darkness, I feel being followed, don't feel safe. I enter the  Shell gas station and consult with the staff, maybe they could call a cab. Instead, one of their guys is appointed to walk with me. Along the way my "guard" casually tells me he had been in jail the past years because he killed someone. And so, that I would be safe with him. All in all most of my initial excitement was gone when I finally retired to my bedroom. 

I think about the continuation of my holiday. There is simply no realistic option for adventure in the province. The next morning I book the night bus to Cape Town, the first available option, which is no sooner than two days from now. 

Those two days of rest in Kimberley, of all places, ended up to be a pleasant break after the fast pace travelling during the first week of my holiday. The weather is great, 28 degrees, and I can, among other things, devote myself to explore the Big Hole complex. Groot Gat is a spectacular remnant of the world´s richest diamond mine in the years 1870-1890, that eventually closed in 1914. Today's visitors can admire the Gat from a vantage point and then walk around at the adjacent museum. Furthermore, a short but impressive movie is shown dealing with the crazy times in which the diamonds were discovered and mined. How Kimberley was a very inhospitable place at first. How British businessmen like Cecil Rhodes and Barney Barnato had their affairs well organized, displaying and enjoying unprecedented wealth, thanks to indigenous Africans, who were exploited and working under unbearable conditions in the mines.   


Many buildings from those early years of Kimberley have been preserved and collected around the Big Hole complex; together, they form an interesting reconstruction of the town in those heyday. One of the striking structures is a Lutheran church, originally built from wood and corrugated iron in Germany, 1875, and then being transported in parts from to Kimberley by ship and ox cart.


Within the complex is also an old style guesthouse, where I move in first thing in the morning. Fifty meters away is the popular Occidental bar, where I eat, drink and listen to live music. I have now found peace and rest in Kimberley, after all.


De diamantindustrie is tegenwoordig van geringe betekenis in Kimberley. Niet in de laatste plaats door sterk afnemende vraag en hoge kosten, waardoor exploitatie onrendabel geworden is. Als hoofdstad van de in 1994 nieuw gevormde provincie Noord Kaap heeft Kimberley niettemin enige relevantie weten te behouden. Op m'n dooie gemakje maak ik twee stadswandelingen. Begin mijn route door het oude centrum, waar de dominantie van diamantgigant De Beers nog steeds overal voelbaar en zichtbaar is. Zwalk door stille buitenwijken waar het asfalt overgaat in zand.  Bewonder koloniale huizen die dateren uit de roemruchte tijd dat  Kimberley nog op de wereldkaart stond. Ik bezoek ook het McGregor Museum, gevestigd in een voormalig hotel en sanatorium waar de kamer van Cecil Rhodes nog min of meer intact gebleven is. Maak op het oude marktplein een praatje met een arme zwarte man tegen wie volgens mij nog nooit een blanke heeft gesproken, wissel af met een koud biertje in een van de stokoude kroegen die de stad rijk is en eet mutton biryani in een restaurantje genaamd `Mini-Pakistan`. 's Avonds ga ik nog even wat drinken in het luxe Protea Hotel: Heerlijke luie stoelen en wifi in de lounge! Op mijn mobieltje boek ik alvast een  hotel voor vier nachten Kaapstad  en een enkele vlucht van Kaapstad naar Jo'Burg. Mijn vakantie heeft een heel ander karakter gekregen dan verwacht maar het lijkt me wel prima zo!

Oud Kimberley Recontructie
Omgeving Groot Gat
Vintage Tram in Omgeving Groot Gat
Dunluce House Kimberley 1897

Visited: Mar 2016


© No unauthorized use of content. Content on this site reflects the moment in time I visited the destination, and is not kept up to date. Actual situation might well have changed.

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